To date, I have posted mainly material from my own line (Charles A. Flanagan). I plan to post material that has been sent to me by other lines as I find time to prepare it.
To print wide images, change the orientation in your printer driver to landscape.
marriage certificate-1832 Sarah MATTHEWS WALDRON /Andrew FLANAGAN church certificate, West Bromwich, Staffordshire, Eng. 46k

Heirs to Property Undated (but post 1886) document regarding heirs to property in Astoria purchased by Andrew FLANAGAN Sr. in 1850 - 54k

Birthdates Handwritten, undated (ca. 1880s?) list of dates of birth of Andrew and Sarah Flanagan's offspring born in the U.S. Omits Ann Nora, b. W. Bromwich. Matches entries in SHUKER bible. - 54k

Book cover Cover of "Key of Heaven," an 1874 prayer book given by Mrs A. FLANAGAN to Margaret EVANS, the mother of Annie Evans, who was to marry Charles A. FLANAGAN. 55k

Inscription 1875 - Front page inscription of "Key of Heaven," with Mrs. A. FLANAGAN signature. The identity of Mrs A. FLANAGAN is not certain. It is most likely Adelaide, Mrs Andrew FLANAGAN Jr. 33K

Charles school certif Portion of an attendance award, February 1864 - PS 3 Grammar School for boys in Astoria. 64k

marriage certif, 1851 (full) Full view - George and Margaret EVANS church marriage certificate, from St. Peters's Church, Barclay Street, the oldest Catholic Church in New York City - 34k

marriage certif, 1851 (detail) Readable detail of the text on the EVANS certificate - 59k

Peter Flanagan bible record Photocopy of original Bible record of Peter Simon and Elizabeth Flanagan (dates from 1847-1973) supplied by Leonard Fliedner.

TRANSCRIPTIONS OF PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS (corrections and additions encouraged)
Emigrant Savings Bank Accounts New information about the origins of three Flanagan-related immigrants: Andrew Flanagan Sr., George Evans and Edmund Butler. updated Sep 16, 1998.

Elite Social Club Four social news items from 1898-1902(?) about the FLANAGAN children parites.

Chapman Biogs Two 1896 biographical sketches of Andrew Jr. and Peter FLANAGAN

Flanagan Chronicles Citations from Queens newspapers pertaining to the FLANAGAN family in Astoria. Some actual text.
Andrew Flanagan Sr. d. Feb 25, 1870 - Biographical sketch
Sarah A. Flanagan d. Sep 27, 1877 - Biographical sketch
Flanagan home at http://www.pefagan.com/gen/flan/flanhome.htm
Nov 28, 1999 Patty Fagan at pfagan@compuserve.com