Andrew 60, Adelaide 52, Pauline E 32, Andrew 20, Raymond 17, Julien 15
Henry 54, Mary 48 - m. 26 years, George 23, Irene 18, Henry 16, Edwin 12, Anna 9.
Peter 52, m. 29 years, Elizabeth 49, Theresa & Elizabeth 8, Sarah 23, Francis 21, Ellen 19, Charles 17, Rose 15, Joseph 13, Gertrude 11
Edward 50, Katy 49, Annette 18, James 17, Abigail 14, Arthur 11 (a.k.a. Edward A.)
Charles 47, Annie 40 (45), Margaret 18(20), Lauretta 18(20), Agnes 14, Emily 9, Stella 4
William Dempsey 47, Mary E 38, William J 17, Ella M 15, Frances A 13, Edward J 12
George L. Casey, 808 Crescent, 54, James 18, William 17, George 15, Lawrence 14, Rose 12 Ann Joyce (mother in law) 59

Transcripts of news items from Anna EVANS FLANAGAN'S scrapbook. These are pasted into a section used by her daughter Agnes FLANAGAN.
THE STAR Friday, March 25, 1898

[handwritten by Agnes Flanagan FAGAN below the clipping: Maggie W.., Maud Brown?]
NOTES by P.F. on recognizable people, and est ages in 1898:
Ella Dempsey, Bill's sister, 13
Maggie & Loretta Flanagan - Charles' 18 years old twins
Agnes Flanagan - Charles' 12 years old dau
Abbie Flanagan - Edward's daughter, 12
Harry Flanagan - Henry J.’s son, aka Henry, 15
William Dempsey - age 15 - was to marry Loretta F. in 1906
Frank and Eddie Dempsey - Bill’s brothers Francis, 11, Eddie, 10.
Julian Flanagan - Andrew's youngest child, 13
Raymond Flanagan - Andrew's next youngest child, 15 (Raymond died in 1902 at age of 19)
Charles Flanagan - most likely Peter's 6th child, 15. Andrew's son Charles was 29.
Nellie Flanagan - Peter's 5th child, 17
Rosie Flanagan - Peter's 7th child, 13
A very successful surprise party under the management of Eddie Weisenstein and Willie Dempsey occurred o the evening of March 17th. Miss Essie Hannigan, the daughter of Mr and Mrs P.Y. Hannigan, of 219 Newtown Ave, was surprised by a party of her young friends. The party met at the house of Eddie Weisenstein on the Crescent and proceeded thence in a body. The surprise was complete and the party was highly elated over their success. The young people with music and dancing and a variety of games passed a very delightful evening. The serving of refreshments rounded out and completed the pleasures of the occasion.

Those present were Misses Frances Thurner, Ella Dempsey, Bessie Dunn, Beatrice Chambers, Jennie Dunn, Jessie Chambers, Maggie Flanagan, Loretta Flanagan, Agnes Flanagan, Rosie Flanagan, Nellie Flanagan, Abbie Flanagan, Lucy Reidy, Lillian Colgan, Mamie Fitzgerald, Annie Sheridan, May Allen, May Geob, Kathleen Hannigan, Annie Erves, Essie Hannigan, Jennie Grimes, Messrs. Harry Flanagan, William Smyth, William Dempsey, Frank Dempsey, Eddie Dempsey, Eddie Weisenstein, John Weisenstein, Julian Flanagan, Raymond Flanagan, Charles Flanagan, Tom Reidy, Tom Whalen, John Fitzgerald, Joe Thurner, James Burger, George Hannigan.

NOTES from P. Fagan:
N. Flanagan - could be Peter's daughter, Ellen (Nellie) Dugan, 20 or Edward's daughter Annette (Nettie) 18
M. and L. Flanagan - Charles' twins Margaret & Loretta, who were 22 in 1902
R. Flanagan - could be Peter's Rose, 17
E. Dempsey - probably Ella, 19
Abbie Flanagan, Edward’s daughter, 16
Edward Flanagan - probably Edward A., aka Arthur, (son of Edward and Catherine)
E. & J. Flanagan could be Edward’s James L., 19 and Edward 13.
But J. could be Andrew's Julien (15), or Peter's Joseph (15).
E. could be Henry’s Edwin (14)
Note that Julien's brother Raymond died a few weeks before this piece was written.
W. Dempsey - William Dempsey (19) who married Loretta Flanagan
F. and E. Dempsey - Bill’s brothers Frank (15) and Eddie (14)

possibly related?: D. McGrath - Andrew's daughter Beatrice married a McGrath;
M. Martin Henry's son Harry married Florence Martin
G. Casey - Henry's wife's family

THE STAR Saturday, Nov 22, 1902

A most successful surprise given by the Elite Social Club was tendered to Mr. Frank Dempsey at his residence, 347 Jamaica Ave, on Friday evening last. The Spacious parlors were filled with guests who declared that they passed a most delightful evening. Much credit is to be given to the committee who did their best to make the affair a success. Games of all sorts were played. Mr. David McGraph and Mr. William Dempsey by their witty sayings made it very pleasant. Miss Abbie Flanagan and Mr Allie Conlin and Joseph Jackson sang some of the latest songs. Messrs. Arthur Stern, George Flecher and Misses Millie Mand and Margaret Flanagan furnished music on the piano to which those present danced.

The guests did not part until the wee hours of the morning, everyone thankful to Mr and Mrs. Dempsey and the committee for giving such a delightful time.

Among those present were Misses M. and, N. Flanagan, A. Butler, B. Caldwell, J. Allen, M. Martin[?], R. Thaup, K. Hannigan, M. Morris, M. and A. Kavanaugh, E. Stern, M. and L. Flanagan, M. Brown, L. Thurner, R. Flanagan, E. Dempsey, M. Willin, Abbie Flanagan,; Messrs. B. Smith, F. Freilingsdorf, E. and G. Scully, F. Smith, O. Hecht, T. Haggerty, G. Casey, J. Barclay, P. McCaffery, W. Cowan, E. Vandenhoff, A. Conlin, W. Hohl, A. Stern, W. Dempsey, G. Fleicher, E. and J. Flanagan, D. McGraph{?}, C. Vooce, F. Kearns and F. and E. Dempsey.

MISS THORPE SURPRISED - Undated, but probably 1902 (when Oct 1 was on a Wed)

Notes, P. Fagan:
Abbie, 16 (dau Edward) and Agnes, 18 (dau Charles) Flanagan
Edward (son of Edward, about 13), Joseph, 15 (Peter) and Julien, 17 (Andrew) Flanagan
Edgar Higgins - Related[?] to Edward Higgins who married Peter's daughter Gertrude?
George Casey- about 18, son of George Casey, Henry Flanagan's brother-in-law.
Lawrence Casey- about 14
A very pleasant surprise party was tendered to Miss Rose Thorp, at her residence, 234 Elm Street, on Wednesday evening, October 1. Choice guitar and violin selections were rendered by Messrs. J. Freeman and W. Morehouse. The committee, George Casey, Edward Flanagan, and Benedict Smith, deserve much thanks for their efforts in making the party a success.

Among those present were the Misses Abbie and Agnes Flanagan, Madolin and Alice Kavanagh, Lulu Thurner, Mary Martin, Alice Flynn, Laura Whitney, Lillian and Violet Thaub, Florence Reidy, Ethel Kenny, Frances Gill, Carrie Graf, Agnes Colgan, Katharine Burns, Margie O'Connor, Bertie Manks, Alice Felsburg,

the Messrs. Frank Smith, Frank Gilroy, Lawrence Casey, Edgar Higgins, Joseph and Julien Flanagan, Willian Cowin, Charles Early, William Hohl, Ralph Lander, Thomas Healy, Thomas Haggerty, Charles Woods, Anthony Hunter, James Whelan, Frank Kerrans, Allen Conlan, George Scully, John Fraf, Harry Bonds, Philip Darcy, Martin McCaffery and E. Vandenfoff.

MISS THURNER SURPRISED - undated but probably later than the two 1902 items above. (Younger Flanagans mentioned).

Notes, P. Fagan:
Charles' Agnes Flanagan, Peter's Rose, Edward's Edward, Henry's nephew George Casey.
On last Friday evening, Miss Lulu Thurner, a very popular young resident of Astoria, was surprised by a select party of friends at her residence, 798 the Crescent.

The young folks gathered early in the evening and anxiously awaited the arrival of Miss Thurner, who was returning from a short sojourn with relatives in Brooklyn. At last she arrived accompanied by her mother and two of her cousins. As she approached the house there was nothing to indicate the surprise that awaited her, the house being as dark as the proverbial "ace of spades".

Still unawares of the expectant gathering inside she lingered on the piazza to converse with the immediate members of the family. When she finally entered the house and was greeted with the cry "surprise," words cannot adequately express her amazement and delight. Upon her entrance into the spacious parlors, which were filled with guests, she was presented with a magnificent bouquet of enormous size, the gift of the committee, Mr George Casey, Edward Flanagan, and Benedict Smith.

The evening was spent in dancing, singing and playing of games, while Miss Rose Flanagan rendered many pleasing selections upon the piano. Shortly after midnight, the young people adjourned to the large dining room, where all partook of a most excellent supper served under the direction of Mrs. Thurner. Great credit is due the mother of the young hostess for the dainty arrangement of the tables and decorations were chiefly of dainty bouquets of carnations tied with fancy colored ribbons.

After supper dancing was resumed for an hour or more when the guests returned to their respective homes each and everyone voting the affair a big success.

Among those present were Misses Ethel and Marie Johnson from Brooklyn, Miss Ethel Bloom, Rose Flanagan, Alice Flyn, Gertrude Reid, Kathryn Burns, Agnes Flanagan, Margaret Barney, Mollie Brown, Agnes Colgan, Bessie Caldwell, Madeline Kavanagh, Mary Reily, Alice Kavanagh, Frances Thurner, Lulu Thurner, Edith Ralph, Messrs. George Scully, Charles Woods, Frank Kearns, Al Conlin, Thomas Healy, Frank Gilroy, William Cowan, Thomas Haggerty.

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