FAMILY DOCUMENTS - Death Register entry - James FLANAGAN

Obituary - James Flanagan, Saturday May 29, 1891, L.I.C. Star
An old resident of Astoria, James Flanagan died at his late residence, DeBevoise avenue, on Saturday last, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. Funeral services were held at the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, on Tuesday last, [May 26] when a solemn high mass was chanted by Father Walsh, and the interment took place the same day at St. Mary's Cemetery, Flushing.
Deceased was born in Astoria [sic - was born in Brooklyn], January 19th, 1835 and has resided there all his life and was well known by all residents. He was formerly a member of Protection and Jackson Engine Companies and at the time of his death was a member of the Veteran Firemen's Association who attended the funeral in a body. Deceased leaves a widow. The nieces of the departed gentleman sent a beautiful pillow of flowers inscribed "Uncle Jim" and his brothers a broken column, "Our Brother." The funeral was a large one and was under the superintendence of Mr. Charles W. Hallett.
Death Register Information
Substitute Death Certif,  Municipal Archives,  May 23, 1891 death
May 23, 1891 -  Queens cert# 4845
Name:              James FLANAGAN
DOD:               May 23, 1891
Age:               56y 4m 4d
Occ:               mason
Stat:              married
Place of Dth:      544 1st ave [not at his home, #538]
Yrs res:           not listed
Birthplace:        U.S.
Father:            Andrew, b. Ire
Mother:            Sarah, b. Ire [sic]
Time from attack
till death:        1 month
Cause:             Peritonitis la Grippe
Burial:            Black Stump [note that he was actually buried in Mt. St. Mary's]
Doc:               W. R. Taylor

NOTES (pf) Queens certificates 1880-1898 are held in Albany, not at Municipal Archives. MA does, however, have the old registers.
Nov 29, 1989 - letter from Munipal Archived to Robert F. Higgins: "This is to certify that a search was made in the records of death in the town of Long Island City, County of Queens, in the calendar year(s) 1891 and the following information was found." Carolyn Dixon, Public Records Officer.
Also have photocopy of register entry, NYC Municipal Archives, July 1998, by PF.

Note the difference in burial place. The register entry clearly says Black Stump, (aka Brinkerhoff) which was the site of the DELEHANTY (Bridget's family) plot. But because Bridget was eventually buried in St. Mary's and the newspaper obit was printed after the fact, I suspect both of them are buried in St. Mary's.

Marie received the following letter from St. Mary's:

August 21, 1989 letter from Mt. St. Mary Cemetery in Flushing:
"We show a James L. Flanagan who lived in Astoria was buried in 1962 in Flanagan Plot. We show a Beatrice R. Flanagan who lived in Flushing was buried in 1939 in a Flanagan Plot but not the same as above. The Delahanty Plot which is near 164 St. we show
Catharine Delahanty 1946
Thomas Brady 1949
William Delahanty 1900
William Dennis Delahanty 1950
We have interment card for
Catherine Delehanty 1902
John Delehanty 1881
John Delehanty 189(8), could be a 5, I'm not sure of the writing, they wrote on my letter.
John T. Delehanty 1907
Lucy Delehanty 1917
Rose Delehanty 1913
Thomas Delehanty 1914
Timothy Delehanty 1918
We do not know where these people are buried."

Death Notice - James's widow, Bridget DELAHANTY FLANAGAN - Daily Star Mar 9, 1907
On March 8th, Mrs James Flanagan, after a short illness at her residence 538 First Avenue, Astoria High mass at the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Monday March 11th, at 9:30am. Interment at St Mary's Cemetery, Flushing

Death Certificate Information - Bridget DELAHANTY FLANAGAN
Municipal Archives,  Mar 8, 1907 -  Queens cert# 755
Name:              Bridget FLANAGAN
DOD:               March 8, 1907
Age:               62 [sic - probably in late 70s, though age was
                       cited as 80 in letters of administration
Occ:               Housewife
Stat:              Widowed
Place of Dth:      538 Lockwood
Yrs res in U.S.:   50
Birthplace:        Ireland
Father:            John Delahanty, b. Ireland
Mother:            Mary Burke, b. Ireland
Time from attack
till death:        Attended from March 6
Cause:             Paraplegia/ Asthenia
Burial:            Mount St. Mary's
Undertaker:        John Keegan
Doc:               H. S. Fincke, 214 Grand Ave, Astoria

NOTES (pf)


Flanagan home at
Updated Dec 31, 1998 by
Patty Fagan at