
Obit - Long Island Daily Star Thurs. October 7, 1915 - Abbie FLANAGAN, daughter of Edward F. Flanagan

Abbie E. Flanagan

Miss Abbie E. Flanagan, daughter of Edward F. Flanagan of 195 Main street, Astoria died at the home of her parents Tuesday night from heart trouble.

She had not enjoyed good health for some time, but her family did not realize the seriousness of her condition. She had dinner with her parents and brothers Tuesday evening but later in the night failed rapidly and died within a few hours. Miss Flanagan was 28 years old, and lived all her life in Astoria. She was born in the house in which she died.

Miss Flanagan was a member of one of the oldest families in Astoria. Her father, who is with the Sewer Department of the city, was born in Astoria, a son of James [sic] Flanagan who has from 70 to 80 descendants in that section. Ex-Alderman Peter Flanagan was an uncle of Miss Flanagan. Her mother was Miss Catherine Kelly, also born in Astoria.

Death notice, ibid

FLANAGAN-- Abbie E. On October 6th 1915 at her residence, 195 Main street, Astoria, the beloved daughter of Edward F. and Catherine E. Flanagan. Funeral Saturday at 9:30, from the above address, thence to the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, where a solemn requiem will be offered for the repose of her soul. Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery, Flushing

Oct 6, 1915 - Abbie FLANAGAN - Queens cert# 3859
DOD:            Oct 6, 1915 4:30
DOB:            Feb 16, 1887
Age at death    28y 7m 2d
Status          single, white, no occupation
Residence       195 Main st (tenement [more than 2 families resident])
Lived in:       Astoria N.Y.
Resident for    life
Father:         Edward F. Flanagan, b. U.S.
Mother:         Catherine E. Kelly, b. Ire [sic]
Under care from Oct 1, 1915 Valvular heart disease, Oldema .....?
Burial:         St Mary's, Flushing, Oct 9, 1915
Undertaker:     John J. Keegan, 72 Newtown ave. LIC, NY
NOTES from PF: Uncertified photocopy, LDS.
Mother's place of birth variously reported, but was probably N.Y.
p.fagan family page at http://www.pefagan.com/gen/pffampg.htm
Updated Dec 31, 1998 by
Patty Fagan at pfagan@compuserve.com